
The "simple setup" instructions for installing BibServer leave out some important pieces, but the "deployment" instructions could mostly be followed. To install a basic setup for hacking on a Macbook Pro, here's what I needed:

(Further instructions for a serious deployment will follow in due course.)


  1. Install Java 1.8 from Oracle (
  2. Download ElasticSearch 1.2.1 (tar.gz) and unpack that.
  3. I had git installed, but otherwise run port install git-core
  4. I had to do some fiddling with MacPorts make sure that python is Python 2.7.7.
  5. port install py-pip
  6. port install py-virtualenv
  7. Turn on Apache via sudo apachectl start

In order to be sure you're using the right Java version, you may need to add this to your ~/.profile:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`

Then, run source ~/.profile. To make sure that you're using the correct Python version, run python --version and which python - if it's not 2.7.7, follow the tips here.


Set up a "virtualenv" environment:

  1. mkdir ~/env/
  2. virtualenv ~/env/testdir
  3. cd ~/env/testdir
  4. source bin/activate

Add the required pieces to this environment:

  1. git clone
  2. cd bibserver
  3. pip install -e .
  4. pip install gunicorn

Due to some changes to the way one of the Python dependencies works, you'll need to patch a file in order to get things running. (This will hopefully be integrated into the mainline code shortly.)

diff --git a/bibserver/view/ b/bibserver/view/
index 9f938f7..08d188b 100644
--- a/bibserver/view/
+++ b/bibserver/view/
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ import uuid
 from flask import Blueprint, request, url_for, flash, redirect
 from flask import render_template
 from flask.ext.login import login_user, logout_user
-from import Form, TextField, TextAreaField, PasswordField, validators, ValidationError
+from import Form
+from wtforms import TextField, TextAreaField, PasswordField, validators, ValidationError
+from wtforms.validators import Required

 from bibserver.config import config
 import bibserver.dao as dao



  1. You need to have ElasticSearch running in order to do anything. Start a separate terminal and run bin/elasticsearch from inside the directory where it was unpacked. It will typically runs on port 9200 -- doublecheck the output on your terminal and if that looks right, browse to localhost:9200.

Now, from within the bibserver virtualenv that you've set up and activity (working directory is ~/env/testdir/bibserver/):

  1. python bibserver/
  2. Browse to localhost:5000.

If all of that works, then you'll need to do a few next steps in the web browser to give yourself something to work with. Browse to localhost:5000/account/register to create an account. You'll be logged in automatically and an email will not be sent. Browse to localhost:5000/upload and click "upload from your PC" to select a suitable file. BibTeX formats is recognized automatically -- here's some sample data that you can use if you like.

Once something is uploaded you can browse it at localhost:5000/collections. From localhost:5000/USERNAME/COLLECTION, you can then click "Download as BibJSON" and inspect the results.

Querying ElasticSearch

Expanding on the hints on this page, I see that you can find the schema (in JSON format) via

curl -X GET localhost:9200/bibserver/_mapping

And, then, you can get specific results back (using my sample data) in the following way:

curl -X GET localhost:9200/bibserver/record/_search -d \
 '{"size": 3,"query": {"match": {"": "McLuhan, Marshall"}}}'


               "publisher":"Sphere Books",
               "title":"Understanding media: The extensions of man",
                     "name":"McLuhan, Marshall",
               "publisher":"Oxford University Press",
                     "name":"McLuhan, Marshall",
                     "name":"Powers, Bruce R",
               "title":"The Global Village",